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Is my child making progress?

Seeing your child making progress is our main goal as a school. Whether it is progress in terms of their personal and emotional development or progress in academic areas, this is the essence of our work.

A close partnership between home and school is essential in order to support your child to make progress.

On Entry Assessmnet

When a new child starts at school, staff get to know them and share information with you as parents about how your child has settled in at school. This is done after the child's first 6 weeks at school.

Open door policy

We emphasize that if you want to discuss your child's progress, you contact the class teacher to organize a conversation at any time e.g. if you have a concern, arrange a conversation at a convenient time for all. You can arrange a chat by sending a class dojo message or email to class teachers. Teachers welcome information from parents about any events that are likely to affect your child at school e.g. bereavement etc.

If you think your child may have Additional Learning Needs guidance can be found here: FFederaliaeth Ysgol Penrhyn-coch ac Ysgol Penllwyn - ALN (

Parents should not expect each learning experience, disagreement, disappointment or achievement a child experiences during the school day to be communicated. Teachers will exercise professional judgement on a case-by-case basis, and communicate either on class dojo, or if requiring a further discussion, in person/over the phone.

We kindly ask that interactions with teachers over class dojo are limited to matters mentioned above. Teacher’s efficiency is compromised when they receive unnecessary correspondence about information already contained in letters e.g. do they have swimming tomorrow? We understand that remembering everything is difficult, therefore, we kindly ask you to help by reminding each other as parents about school events and arrangements.

 Class Dojo

Class Dojo is a free app for sharing day-to-day school activities, classwork, and homework. Use this to message your teacher direct with practical questions and concerns. 

You can download the app here. Once downloaded search for our school, then your teacher to request an access code.  


Formally communicating children's progress

From your time at school, you may remember pupils receiving assessments that gave them the best fit result or attainment level. A school is no longer expected to give such assessments. The information you receive is much more holistic, much more relevant to your child, and much more dependent on teachers' observations.

Pupils in Years 2-6 are required to complete personal assessments in 2 aspects of numeracy, reading Welsh and reading English. These results give a rough idea of ​​a child's attainment compared to other children of a similar age and ability in Wales. We share these findings with parents in the Summer term via Hwb.

In accordance with statutory guidelines, we provide formal opportunities for parents to receive information about their child's progress. We are proud of our innovative practice of parents' evenings, where it is the child who guides their parents through their work, developing their independence.

Here is our annual program for sharing information with parents about their child's progress:

Autumn Term

Share information about the term's learning on the class website.

Parents' Evening – An opportunity to see your child's work.

Your child's attendance rate is shared with you.

A 1:1 meeting with the teacher and parents where targets are set for the coming term. Share information about the term's learning on the class website.


Spring Term

Share information about the term's learning on the class website.

Parents' Evening – Your child guides you through their work and discusses the targets they have set together with class teachers.

Attendance rate will be shared with you.


Spring Term

Share information about the term's learning on the class website.

A written summary of your child's progress during the academic year.

Access to national personal assessment results for Y2-6 children via hwb.


At the end of each half term, a sample of pupils' work is shared on Class Dojo’s ‘portfolio’ section to keep a record of their progress over time. You as parents have access to this portfolio. It's a good opportunity for you to see your child's progress, and discuss with them.

Getting in touch with senior management

If you wish to raise any matter about the school and its procedures please get in touch with the head on our main school e-mail.

We aim to respond to this within 48 hours. 

For matters at a higher level please email our chair of governors on

Respect and dignity

The school is committed to fostering a respectful, polite and inclusive environment in which teachers and pupils can thrive. Please be mindful of this in all communications with our team. Instances where dignity and respect are not demonstrated (i.e. through malicious or vexatious complaints or behaviour deemed to constitute bullying and harassment) will not be tolerated.