Senedd Ysgol
Members of the school Senedd are chosen every year to represent pupils at the school and make sure our voice is heard. Some members are elected by other pupils, while others are chosen by staff. We try to make sure that everybody is represented - disadvantaged pupils, pupils with Additional Learning Needs and pupils from different ethnic backgrounds.
Members of the Senedd have roles like Chair person, secretary and treasurer, but also responsibilities for Eco Schools, Healthy Schools, Siartr Iaith and Children's Rights.
Our role is to:
Organising events and fundraisers: we often plan events like cake sales, and charity events like children in need, fair trade week, Big Pedal.
Advocating for student needs: we make sure we tell staff and governors at the school about what learners at the school are concerned about and what needs to change at the school. We hold questionnaires to collect the opinion of learners. We helped get Welsh language games for the yard, and helped to make changes to play times.
Planning school improvements: The Senedd works with the school's leaders to identify areas for improvement, such as facilities or curriculum, and develop action plans to address these issues. For example increasing using pupil voice to inform our learning in class.